Uh-oh! We’ve got a slippery one!
Looks like you made it past the first opt-in box.
That means you’re expecting … copy.
Which means I have to go put on my copywriter hat, and address all those questions bubbling up in your little website-visitor’s mind, like …
“Who even are you?”
“Why do you have the audacity to say you’ve been called Australia’s best copywriter?”
“Why should I join your email list?”
“Why didn’t Captain Marvel just use the Infinity Gauntlet to snap away Thanos when she was holding it?”
(wait … I want to know the answer to that last one too 🤷♂️)
So let me answer those questions, the best way I know how: with some good old-fashioned sales copy … to get you on my email list.
As we say in Japanese … レッツゴー!*
*Okay I’m not Japanese, I’m Aussie, but I do speak it fluently enough. And that says “let’s go” or actually “rettsu-goo!” ’cause you know, it’s Japanese 🇯🇵
Reason #1 To Join My Email List:
All the A-list copywriters, bestselling authors, media moguls, top marketers and successful CEOs cool kids dig my stuff.
(And one subreddit hates it.)

“The best copywriter since me.”

Daniel Throssell
Australia’s Best Copywriter“Easily one of the “most swiped” email copywriters on the planet”

Ben Settle
Email copywriting expert“Daniel Throssell is, I would say, just about pretty undisputed the hottest email copywriter walking the planet right now.”

Kevin Rogers
A-List Copywriter & founder of Copy Chief“Daniel, in my opinion, is one of the best copywriters in the world right now.”

Scott Pape
Author of The Barefoot Investor, the bestselling book in Australian history“Daniel’s not so much of a d*ck when you meet him in person.”

Jeff Walker
Internet marketing “OG” and inventor of the Product Launch Formula, possibly the most influential system in internet marketing“You are a force!”

Brian Kurtz
Executive VP, Boardroom“Very impressive.”

Ramit Sethi
#1 NYT bestselling author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich“I’m in the chip aisle reading [your daily email] at Wegmans laughing like a crazy person… people are staring…”

Kim Krause Schwalm
A-List Copywriter“Bam! That [email] was funny.”

Parris Lampropoulos
Widely considered one of the world’s greatest living copywriters(Side note: The email in question told the true story of him hip-and-shouldering me out of nowhere at Copy Chief Live, before telling me to send him the chiropractor’s bill. Dude’s crazy 😆)
“The King of Controversy.”

Chris Haddad
A-List Copywriter“If you’re a copywriter, you should be on this guy’s list.”

Chris Orzechowski
A-List Copywriter“I bow to you. You, and your fancy welcome sequence.”

Laura Belgray
My secret copywriting crush & national bestselling author of Tough Titties“If you’re looking for master copywriters to study … Daniel Throssell should be on your short list.”

Roy Furr
A-List Copywriter“Daniel is a damn serious — and damn good — practitioner of the copywriting arts.”

David Garfinkel
“The World’s Greatest Copywriting Coach”“Daniel is too much of an egomaniac for my taste. But to each their own.”

Bob Bly
Legendary copywriter called “America’s top copywriter” by McGraw-Hill (and one of my earliest copy inspirations)“I’ve honestly never seen anyone write emails that are as engaging and fun as yours. I read them every day to try to crack the code of how you do it.”

John Bejakovic
Email copywriter“Darling, I don’t really get what you’re talking about in your emails, but I just know there couldn’t be anyone in the world better at — oh, what was that thing you do, honey? Copyright? — than MY Daniel.”

My Mother
Wife of my Dad“There is nothing new under the sun, they say, but on Monday I saw something entirely new in the realm of copywriting. I suggest you study [Daniel’s email] carefully. It astonished me.”

Drayton Bird
Former Vice Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather (i.e. DAVID freaking OGILVY’s Right-Hand Man)(btw, you get to see the email he was talking about when you subscribe)

The Reader
You, about 10 minutes from now“Daniel Throssell and all discussions related to Daniel Throssell are permanently banned from r/copywriting.”

The official Rule #9 of r/copywriting, circa August 2021“Daniel Throssell is doing something completely new and different in copywriting. The voice, the graphics, the breaking the fourth wall… all of it is engaging and compelling and fresh.”

Marcella Allison
A- List Copywriter“I love the way you approach copy … and the cool new IP you’re bringing to the industry.”

Lukas Resheske
A-List Copywriter“Daniel Throssell? Never heard of her.”

Shawn Twing
Modern Marketing System(Yep, he really did say this to me
😆 don’t worry we’re friends)
“Dan this is BRILLIANT. Brillliant. Exceptional! You’ve hit it out of the park.”

Mia Freedman
Founder of the Australian Mamamia media empire“There’s no other copywriter on the planet I wish sent more emails.”

Lorrie Morgan
A-List Copywriter“Australia’s top copywriter”

Troy Broussard
Inventor of the BerserkerMail & Learnistic platforms & leading Infusionsoft expert“I think I’m in love with you … I don’t think there’s anyone better at email than you.”

Derek Johanson
Creator of CopyHour“Just one of Daniel’s emails could kill a 14th century peasant instantly.”

Jimmy Parent
Persuasion Scientist“Daniel is one of the best copywriters — and thinkers — I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.”

Eddie Shleyner
VeryGoodCopy“THE most entertaining copywriter in the world.”

Troy Ericson
Lead Paramedic“Trust me on this. After reading Daniel’s stuff … you’ll unsubscribe to other people’s lists to make room for him.”

Shiv Shetti
Copywriting Coach“I’ve never seen someone approach a copywriting job the way you did! My team and I reviewed your work and loved it.”

Maneesh Sethi
Pavlok CEO“He’s been called the best copywriter in Australia and I’m not going to disagree.”

John McIntyre
“The Autoresponder Guy”“A wacky, wacky man of tremendous talent.”

Justin Blackman
World’s #1 expert on brand voiceBut … who cares if those guys think I’m great, right? Just click here to see for yourself what all the fuss is about.
… no?
Social proof doesn’t float your boat?
That’s okay. I’ve plenty more in my copywriting bag o’ tricks.
Onward to Reason #2, then …
Reason #2 To Join My Email List:
If you’re a freelance copywriter, my daily copywriting tips are probably gonna become your new favourite email to open.
Firstly, because my copywriting tips rock (wait till you see Reason #3 To Join My Email List).
But also … my style is pretty much unique.
On my list, you’ll see a brand new way of writing copy that I guarantee NOBODY else has shown you (because in many cases, I invented it).

(The answer is ‘nowhere, I made it up’.)
And even better — almost every single email I send is a sales email, too. It contains a sales pitch to a product or service. (And I’m utterly shameless about it.)

So basically … my emails are like a daily dose of entertaining, mind-expanding, addictive sales copy:
“You make me automatically unsubscribe from so many other lists because you are my new standard”

“It’s not typical that sales emails brighten my day”

“Daniel Throssell’s emails are literally the f***ing best”


“THIS may be my new favorite email of all time.”

“Your emails are the first thing I read every morning while drinking my coffee”

“This list is like Mortal Kombat — brutal, uncensored, but pure”

“You are the best … an Einstein of copywriting”

“Your emails are too funny. This is better than Netflix.”

“How am I supposed to focus on my morning routines when the first thing I do is read your email?”

“Daniel Throssell’s emails give me one more reason to check my phone”

“Your emails are the funniest”

“This just made it into my top 5 all-time-favourite sales emails”

Although, admittedly, my emails are not universally loved…

…and in 2021, they even earned me a permanent ban from being mentioned in r/copywriting:

See why for yourself. Click here to get on the list:
Reason #3 To Join My Email List:
I kinda know a thing or two about being a boss freelance copywriter.
If you’re looking for a guide through the crazy journey that is freelance copywriting … look no further.
I got my start as a copywriter in 2015 … back when I was a hard-hat-wearing electrical engineer, on a gas plant on a tiny, remote island off the coast of Western Australia.

I worked as an engineer for 3 years, but I have no pictures I can show you.
That’s because phones and cameras were banned on the gas plant … because a single stray gas leak could ignite and literally blow us all to pieces.
I would spend weeks at a time on this forsaken remote island, working 5am to 5pm … every single day … for 28 days straight. No days off.
Between the long hours, the isolation, and the constant risk of fiery doom … I (shockingly) didn’t like my job.
But that all changed when I won Ramit Sethi’s Call to Action copywriting contest in 2015 with my first ever sales letter.

At the time, I had literally never even heard the word ‘copywriter’.
And unlike all the other ‘professional’ copywriters who entered the contest, I had no clue about how you were ‘supposed’ to write a sales letter.
So … I just did my own thing.
Yet to my surprise … I won!
(Since that day, I’ve never bothered to worry about what people say you’re “supposed” to do in your copy.)
Shortly after winning the contest, I began copywriting on Upwork. (Yes, that Upwork.) Within 12 months I was one of its most expensive writers, charging over $200/hr.

I haven’t worked on Upwork for a while. But to this day, I still have one of the most ripped-off profiles on the entire site.

In 2016, Australia’s (soon-to-be) bestselling author — Scott Pape — approached me to write some ‘copy’.

It keeps me sharp.
That ‘copy’ turned out to be the launch funnel for what became the bestselling book in Australian history:
The Barefoot Investor.

(I later helped Scott launch — and this time, even helped edit — the sequel, too. We broke the Australian pre-order record with that one.)

I worked with Scott for several years, managing operations & editorial for his Barefoot Blueprint newsletter.
Till Scott closed it in 2020, the Blueprint was Australia’s most well-known and trusted investing & financial advice newsletter.
I was Scott’s right-hand man — and helped manage strategy and day-to-day operations of the business.

Building funnels … managing an email list of hundreds of thousands … writing and testing promos … planning editorial calendars … coming up with ‘big ideas’ … managing customer retention …
My years as Scott’s second-in-charge gave me the kind of hands-on experience most copywriters can only dream of.
Daniel walked through my door a few years ago and totally transformed my business. He’s not just a copywriter. He’s the best damn marketer in Australia.
Between 2017 and 2020 I also handled product research & copy for Mamamia’s newly launched Mamamia Courses division …
(Mamamia is Australia’s largest independent women’s media empire, founded by Aussie author and media personality, Mia Freedman)

… as well as a few sneaky well-paid Upwork gigs on the side …

… and some freelance projects for Teachable, Naturenetics, Pavlok, and others you might have heard of.
But so far, everything I’d done had been ‘in the shadows’ … and for clients.
So in March 2020 I stopped most of my client work to start building my own email list (though it didn’t stop the occasional hopeful high-paid offer from those pesky clients):

Later that year, I’d grown my fledgling list to 1,000 subscribers, and — despite being a total nobody in the copywriting world — I participated in my first ever affiliate contest against some A-List copywriters with way bigger lists and brands.
To my utter shock … I placed second:

But I’d acquired a taste for blood … A-List blood. 😈
And over the next few years…
I went on to DESTROY pretty much the entire copywriting “A-List” … placing 1st (usually by a HUGE margin) in EVERY SINGLE AFFILIATE contest I participated in, against far more well-established, well-known and well-respected copywriters:

My undefeated run of victories since 2021 hasn’t necessarily made me popular among A-List circles, many of whom consider me some little upstart punk … but hey, I cry into my bank account.
Then, in 2022 — just to prove I ‘still had it’ — I went to work with Scott Pape helping him edit his third book, Barefoot Kids…

…and then helping design the launch campaign.
Which, needless to say, SMASHED records for the biggest book launch in Australian publishing history, with over 120,000 copies sold.

In 2023, even Google had to bend to my will … and acknowledge that yes, I was indeed now Australia’s best copywriter 😜

…although apparently some copywriters didn’t get the memo, and ended up boycotting Copy Chief Live Nashville 2023 simply because I was speaking 🤔
Word around the camp fire is some copywriters are boycotting Copy Chief Live since Daniel Throssell is attending. I don't know what's more amusing: how weak & soft copywriters have become or how these twits don't even realize they're playing Daniel's game and won't win.
— Ben Settle (@elBenb0) August 27, 2023
(No matter. I don’t think anyone missed them anyway. I certainly didn’t when I was giving my talk to the A-List-studded audience.)

And through it all … I’ve continued writing those same fun, crazy emails that sell so well and get so much love (and hate). And—GREAT SCOTT! Would you look at that? There just happened to be an *opt-in* link for my emails right here! What luck!
Reason #4 To Join My Email List:
I’ll send you the world’s most unusual welcome email.
No, really.
Many people say my infamous ‘welcome’ email — “The Dark Room” — is either the best welcome email they’ve ever read … or just plain disturbing.
(I take both as a compliment.)
“What the f*** is this?”

“By far the best email I have read in a long time — maybe ever”

“There was a lot of hoopla about the welcome email and IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT.”

“Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life?”

“That email is insane. And I love it.”


“Best. Email. Ever.”

“Who creates such madness? This is genius.”

“This is the best damn welcome email I have ever read.”

“That welcome email was amazing.”

“Such genius. I’m blown away!”

“I was wondering if I was reading a thriller novel … and it just flowed so smoothly into ___”

“The best welcome email I’ve ever read”

Click the button below &
make up your own mind:
Reason #5 To Join My Email List:
You’ll get to see my wildly entertaining, world-first ‘Parallel Welcome Sequence’.

My welcome email is just the start of a ridiculous email adventure involving time-travel, giant lions, robot AI invasions, oversized machine guns, and valuable copywriting tips.
That’s because I literally invented a brand-new kind of autoresponder welcome sequence called the:
‘Parallel Welcome Sequence’
This is a crazy new type of welcome sequence that gets up to 200% readership on your email series. No, that’s not mathematically possible … with a normal sequence. But it is with my Parallel Welcome Sequence, as you’ll see.
(Note to my critics who misquote me on this: I said 200% READERSHIP — i.e. relative amount of content consumed compared to an email-only series — not 200% OPEN RATES … you numpties)
And people can’t stop reading it:

Several copywriters that I know of have already begun to imitate my Parallel Welcome Sequence. (As far as I know, they all accept credit anyone gives them for the idea, too.)
But mine is the OG … and frankly, nobody else’s imitation even comes close.
Heck, I’m even in the process of fully illustrating it, manga-style: