Previous episode: Market Research Maze
You materialise in the middle of a misty fog.
It’s chilly. And gloomy.
You can barely see a few feet in front of you.
You wrap your arms around yourself for warmth, shivering.
Your stomach rumbles, reminding you it’s been a while since you ate.
But, patting your pockets, you remember they’re empty. No food … or money.
“Clients,” you think. “What I need is more clients.”
Almost as if in answer to your response…
You hear noises and whispers from the fog around you.
And then, the first voice calls out in a low, seductive hiss:
“Want more clientsssss? Come this way and let me show you my sssssecret proven method of ssssending cold emailsssss … I’ve helped hundredsssss of people like you…”
Then a hyena-like screech rings out from the fog beside you:
“Nya-ha-ha-ha-haaaa! For the low, low price of several thousand dollars, I can show you how to get booked out with all the regular copywriting income you need! Nya-ha-ha-haaaa!”
A third — sounding like a large tiger — comes from behind you:
“Grrrrr-eetings … come to our webinar instead, where my world-famous tiger partner and I will show you some grrrr-eat methods copywriters just like you are using to become in-demand writers charging six figrrrrres per month…”
You look around nervously.
Which of these voices should you trust to get you clients?
“None of them!”
A voice booms from…
…directly above you?
You’re startled as someone literally drops from the sky … and lands right next to you.
You gasp.
It’s me.
Wearing a … jetpack?
“I’ll explain the jetpack later,” I say, noting your gaze at my back. “For now, don’t listen to any of these S.C.A.M. crew for how to get clients. They’ll only bleed you dry.”
“But then how do I get clients?”
“It’s the simplest thing in the world, my dear Reader…”
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