“Allow me to introduce you … to my Email Copywriting Compendium.”
With a flourish, I present you with…
…my shotgun.
The one I was using to shoot lions.
You’re incredulous.
“THAT shotgun is your ‘Email Copywriting Compendium‘?!?” you say.
Oh … right.
In your world, the Compendium is an, erm…
What do they call it … a, um…
“P-D-F document”?
(Whatever those are. Never seen one this side of the parallel timeline.)
But in this parallel world … all my copywriting courses take the form of weapons I can use to take out copywriting baddies.
The Email Copywriting Compendium is first, though, because it’s my entry-level course.
It contains 101 rules I use to write some of the most effective story-based sales emails in the copywriting industry (if not the world).
As for Rule #5?
Think of it as an ‘ingredient’ that you must add to copy to make it ‘hold attention’.
But if you want to know the specific details, well…
You’ll have to buy the Email Copywriting Compendium to find out 😉
Oh, I know.
Absolutely horrid of me to tease you so much … and then end on that dirty sales pitch.
But hey — didn’t you sign up to this email list for copywriting lessons?
Well … HELLOOOOOOO 😉 You’re getting one for free, right now.
And if and when you do eventually buy the Compendium…
You’ll see how I am using Rule #5 right now to sell you something.
It is something I use in EVERY single piece of copy I write…
And I don’t think I am exaggerating to say it is the single most important aspect of email copywriting in the modern world.
(And no, it is not “curiosity”. Puh-lease. What a lame “secret” that would be. Who do you take me for? Some random on r/copywriting?)
If you want to check out the Email Copywriting Compendium — and discover the Rule #5 that can radically transform your copywriting — you can do that here:

So, since your next email is already in your inbox, you might as well 🤷♂️