Previous episode: Hunted By Mega-Lions
A fraction of a second after tapping your time-travel remote, the sound of a loud engine fills your ears.
You feel the wind whipping past you.
A man sits a few inches in front of you, with his back to you.
Behind you, enormous booms echo out:
What on earth is going on?
You come to your senses and realise … you’re on the back of a motorbike, whipping through a dirt trail in the forest.
Then the rider turns around to look at you, revealing … Daniel Throssell’s face.
And he’s … shouting something.
“Look OUT!”
You turn around to look behind you … and nearly fall off the bike in shock.

We’re being chased by a … kangaroo?
But not just a normal kangaroo.
This kangaroo is GIANT.
(Of course.)
And … it’s looking at us hungrily.
“What the Hopkins is THAT?!?” you scream.
“That, my friend,” I reply, “is none other than one of the most irritating creatures on this copywriting island …”
“The Goo-‘Roo!”
(Because, you know, ‘Goo-Kangaroo’ just didn’t have the same ring to it. And full credit to Ben Settle for inventing the term, of course.)
“Wait, you mean guru?”
“No, goo-‘roo. They’re greedy, vicious, and they can grow up to the towering height of eight or nine figures!”
The goo-‘roo keeps hopping after us … and it’s gaining.
I squeeze the throttle … but the bike is maxed out. We’re not going to outrun it at this rate.
Time for a new plan.
“You know how to ride a motorcycle?” I call out.
“No!” you reply.
“Don’t worry, neither do I! You take over!”
Before you can protest, I deftly swing around behind you…
…and shove you forward into the seat!