You press the button on your time-travel remote.
Suddenly, everything goes black.
My lab — and I — disappear from view.
And … you start falling.
Your voice echoes through the emptiness as you tumble through an endless void.
Stars streak past you. In the distance you can dimly make out galaxies billions of light-years away.
“Why … did I join … Daniel Throssell’s … email liiiiiist …” you scream as you hurtle through space.
For what seems like eternity, you’re simply … falling.
And then, suddenly—
You land.
In a chair.
In a lab.
With unlocked shackles lying on the floor … and a familiar Australian guy standing in front of you.
“Welcome back,” I say. “How’d your time travel feel?”
But before you can answer, I shove a finger to your lips.
“Hush. That was a rhetorical question. I’ve been waiting here 24 hours, you know. So let’s get into it right away.”
I turn to a whiteboard on the wall and start drawing.
“So here’s how this is going to work. You’re in what I like to call …”
My ‘Parallel Welcome Sequence’.
I write it on the board as I speak.
“Parallel … welcome sequence?” you say.
“What, did I stutter or something? Yes, Parallel Welcome Sequence.”
“What on earth are you talking about?”
“It’s a copywriting concept I invented at the Persuasive Page,” I say, “and for now, as far as I know, I’m the only person in the world who’s doing it.”
Here’s how this Parallel Welcome Sequence works:
In your real-world email inbox, you get regular emails from ‘real’ Daniel Throssell, every 24 hours.
But if you click the ‘time-travel remote’ links at the end of each email …
You can ‘jump forward’ in time 24 hours, to get your next email immediately.
(Which means that, yes — if you’re reading this, your next email is on its way to your inbox as we speak. Modern technology, eh?)
Think of it as turning a welcome series … into a Netflix-style bingeing experience.
But even more importantly …
Every time* you use the time-travel remote … you end up here. In this parallel dimension, on this remote copywriting island of mine. Where, as you’ve just seen … some weird things can happen.
*Okay, you won’t come here every time you use it. There are a few exceptions as you will see … but we will leave them as a surprise for now…
Here’s a picture to give you the sense of it:

If it hurts your head, don’t worry about it.
Just know that … if you click the links at the bottom of each email, you move the story forward, and get your next email immediately, without waiting.
It’ll make sense after you try it a few times.
And to get you on your way … I’ve just sent your next email in this series to your email inbox.
(UNLESS, of course, you copied the link for this page and pasted it, rather than actually clicking the time-travel remote button. If you did that, nothing on this page applies, and you will need to go back to your email and actually click it this time.)
Well, what are you waiting for?
Go check your inbox!
(Oh, and it’s possible that email might have landed somewhere outside your Primary inbox … like ‘Updates’ or ‘Promotions’. So drag it back into ‘Primary’ and give those geeks at Google a what-for, won’t you? I know, I almost NEVER do this when people ask me. Probably neither do you. But then again … you’ve never been on an email list like this one. Just trust me on this. You can always unsubscribe later if they aren’t to your liking …)
P.S. A common question I get right about now from people in this sequence is: “Do you have any products?”
The answer is yes, yes I do.
You can see them all here.