You drop to your hands and knees to dig up the box.
After scooping away the sand, you manage to pry it free … and read the full writing.
It reads:
“Rusty Old Box”
It is, indeed, just a rusty old box.
“What a CHEAP trick!” you fume, disgusted. “This Daniel Throssell guy! Thinks he’s this copywriting genius … but he’s just some clickbait-writing HACK!!!”
You raise the box above your head to hurl it into the jungle when—
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
A voice behind you startles you.
“EEEEEEEEEEK!” you squeal. “Who are—”
A hand slams over your mouth.
Then you get a good look at who’s surprised you:
It’s … Daniel Throssell again.
(Hi there.)
I whisper in your ear:
“I have no idea how you got outside my lab, but like I told you in the first email, it’s dangerous out here. Still … why don’t you try opening that box you were about to toss away.”
You open the box…
to discover your FIRST bonus item!

“Now,” I whisper, “you get the idea of how this works. Find items, click to add to inventory. Standard video-game fare. But that’s enough mucking around.”
I look around cautiously and continue:
“If you want to live, come with me — quickly. And for goodness’ sake, don’t do anything noisy like throwing around rusty old boxes. They’ll hear.”
“Who’s … ‘they’?” you ask.
At which instant, from behind us…
Something enormous bursts out of the forest … and growls.
You drop the box and turn around…
…to see something that looks like a lion … but three times bigger than any lion you’ve ever seen in your life.
Your eyes go wide.
“What … is … that … thing?” you stammer, lifting a finger.
In response, I just pull out a shotgun and say…

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