Jamming down the buttons of our jetpacks … we rocket up into the sky.
We fly past uninhabited hourly rate levels.
“How high does this tower go?” you ask, as we speed up.
“You’ll see.”
We soar up, up, up…
And you let out a cry of delight:
You slam against an invisible barrier — cartoon-style — at the Upwork limit of $999/hr.
(The Upwork programmers must have never expected anyone to go beyond three digits.)
From this height, my entire island is a tiny speck below.
And then…
“There’s someone here?!?”
You stare in shock at a window set at level $999 of Upwork Tower.
I beckon you towards it and we climb inside…
…to see a messy little hideout…
…with someone sitting on the floor, with his back to you…
…playing … PS5?!?
“As usual,” I sigh. “Allow me to introduce you to the founder of CTactics.com … the original $999/hr freelancer on Upwork … the world’s foremost Upwork expert … and my most trusted marketing and SEO advisor, and good friend…”
“Steven Alexander Young!”

Steven pauses his game … and stands up to greet us.
“What brings you to the top of Upwork Tower?” he asks.
“Daniel said I might get an item if we visited you.”
“Oh. He did? Um … let me see.”
Steven fishes in his pockets … and pulls out a slip of paper.
He hands it to you.
“Um … I was gonna write a blog about this but I’m too lazy. But this is basically the world’s most up-to-date info on getting your Upwork profile approved.”

“Thanks,” you say. “Do you … really charge $999/hr?”
In response, Steven waves you to a slew of five-star job reviews on the walls, each at $999/hr.
Then … he sits back down to his PS5.
“By the way,” I tell Steven. “That S.C.A.M. blimp is down there again.”
Without missing a beat (or even looking away from his game)…
He deftly flicks a throwing-knife behind him, and out the open window.
(A few seconds later, you hear a loud bursting noise, followed by a mingled cacophony of tiger, hyena and snake cries.)
“Anyway,” says Steven. “I’d make my own Upwork course, but I can’t be bothered. So instead, you should just buy Daniel’s.”
“You mean … Upwork in One Hour?”
“Was that its name? Yeah, that one. It’s great.”
“What … do you like about it?”
“Actually, I don’t think Steven’s ever even finished it,” I say, eyeing Steven suspiciously. “Even though it’s ONLY ONE HOUR LONG, hint hint.”
Steven shrugs. “Ehhh, a whole hour? Look, if Daniel made it, I’m sure it’s great.”
Anyway, I doubt he can tell you much about it.
Thankfully though … I can.
I have a pretty good sales page for it.
And given you’ve read this far into this story … I’ve a fair inkling that you might just be interested in reading it.
In which case, allow me to present to you…
Then check your inbox for your next email…