Previous episodes: Your First Taste of (Email) Time-Travel | Hunted by Mega-Lions | The Goo-‘Roo | The Copywriting Petting-Zoo | THAT’S Not a Copywriting Hamster… | The Sea of Sameness | Attack of the Copywriting AI (Part 1/2) | Attack of the Copywriting AI (Part 2/2) | The Copywriting Hall of Heroes
You open your eyes,
panting heavily.
It’s dark, and you’re …
… not strapped to a chair.
Or in a forest.
Or in a lab.
You’re just … in a bed.
You sit up.
It’s … your bed.
In your room.
Where you normally live.
You get up and walk to the window.
The sun is just starting to rise … and outside, you see the view you’ve always seen from your window.
No copywriting lab …
No time travel …
No remote island …
And certainly no nasty giant creatures.
You sit down on your bed, confused.
Was that all … a dream?
You pick up your phone and flick through your emails.
There are a bunch of emails from Daniel Throssell there … but, you remind yourself, why wouldn’t there be? You joined his email list.
Other than that, this looks like real life.
Maybe it was all just a dream …
You stand up to leave the room.
Just as you do, something small clatters to the floor at your feet.
You pick it up and stare.
It looks like some kind of …
… remote.
(To be continued in your inbox …
in real time, every 24 hours)
P.S. If you’ve enjoyed the wild ride that was the Parallel Welcome Sequence, my own original contribution to the field of copywriting…
…then you’re probably going to love some of the amazing copywriting training I’ve whipped up for you here: